I have problems in Windows after installing new software.
After installing any type of utility, driver or other software program on a computer you can encounter an almost endless list of issues that can be caused by any of the below reasons.
1. Confliction with other software installed on the computer.
2. Issue with program.
3. Improper installation or problems with installation.
Reinstall or uninstall the program
If you're encountering problems with your computer or other programs after installing new software on your computer attempt to uninstall the program and see if the issues persist..
Note: If after installing a program you're unable to boot into Windows, try booting into Safe Mode. Additional information about getting into Safe Mode can be found on document CHSAFE. In Safe Mode follow the above steps.
Check for software program updates or new versions
If you continue to experience issues verify that the program, game, or utility you're installing doesn't have any updates by visiting the developer of the program website.
If you're installing a software program or drivers for a hardware device such as a printer. Attempt to get the latest software and/or drivers from the manufacturer instead of using the included software.